Graphics Software

There is a multitude of graphics software available on the Amiga, as it is
really a graphics workstation.

Titles such as Deluxe Paint 5, Photogenics and Brilliance 2 allow you to
create pictures in up to 16.8 million colours (24-bit graphics) and animate
in the same number of colours (memory permitting, of course).

TV Paint, as its name suggests, is used by many TV comapanies to produce
graphics for Television.

Titles such as ImageFX 2, Digital Illusions and Art Department Pro allow you
to image process your pictures, creating all sorts of effects.  Some of
these programs even have direct scanning support to allow you to scan
straight into the program using either a flatbed or a handheld scanner.

ImageFX 2's main rival is Photoshop on the Apple Macintosh®, but up until
recently Photoshop has been the better package.  However, a new version
has just been released and it is said to have more features than Photoshop,
and as usual on the Amiga, it costs a fraction of the price.

Lightwave and Imagine are examples of software that allow you to render and
to do animations of rendered graphics.  Lightwave in particular is used by
film compaines to produce the special effects in   Films  .

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